Health Anxiety and Solutions

It’s always important to take care of oneself using all the principles of good health. Regular check-ups, proper nutrition and healthful living all enable one to keep on top of their health in a careful yet reasonable way. Often one becomes overly concerned with health issues and caught up in a cycle of health worries. One health issue is reconciled when another immediately pops up to take its place. These worries become all encompassing and exhausting after a while.Eventually, the individual realizes that this cycle of health anxieties has intruded upon the quality of their life. A dark cloud, always hovering over daily living, this intrusive form of anxiety has to be addressed. One begins by determining why this is occurring, what purpose does it serve and how to interrupt this behavior.Reason for Health AnxietyHealth worries actually serve a purpose and this purpose is not difficult to detect if one looks deep enough into this pattern of behavior. Often this pattern involves the brain distracting from specific emotions which the individual finds difficult to address.Many emotions are so overwhelming, such as anger, grief or fear, that the brain looks for ways to distract. Health worries fit the bill because when one worries intensely about their health, there is little room to address an upsetting emotion.Health worries blanket every other thought and this WORKS. This is the perfect distraction from unsettling emotions. When one worry is reconciled, another takes it place to veil the unaddressed emotion. Each health worry has a strong purpose, as it masks the true upsetting emotion, which is much more difficult to face in the long run.Solution- Recognition and acknowledgment of the Health Anxiety habit, one worry quickly following another in a noticeable loop that never ends. Awareness of this cycle is always the first step to reconciliation of the issue.- Determining if this health worry is a true physical problem by visiting one’s primary physician and ruling out a definite physical cause for the difficulty. Always rule out a physical cause before assuming it is merely health anxiety.- Noticing that these health worries settle down when you become intensely interested in another topic or swept into a new relationship, job or cause.- Identify your patterns. Do you experience twinges of symptoms that often jump from one area of the body to another? Do you find yourself overestimating physical intrusions and instantly jump to the conclusion that they signify danger or warrant the attention of an alert?- Find interests that involve your entire being. Lose yourself in things that allow you little time for inward thinking. True illness does not surface through boredom as do these behaviors. True health problems do not generally follow the same time table as health anxieties do. Health worries are stronger during times of boredom and when one lacks interests. An intelligent mind requires challenges and goals.- Activity is an important therapeutic tool against health worries. Exercise and movement invigorate and stimulate the mind and body in a positive way. Endorphins are released and Serotonin levels are boosted naturally when activity is a part of a daily routine. Moderate walking, jogging, tennis, swimming and dancing are all helpful activities that bring forth positive results.- Nutrition is also essential to good health which in itself helps eliminate the strong habit of negative thinking, often concerning health worries. When eating properly, Serotonin levels are naturally boosted and blood sugar levels remain stable. This helps settle down an over-reactive mind, leading to a lessening in health anxieties.- Talk back to the brain by firmly telling it to stop when health worries enter the mind. Shift into a more positive mode of thinking because you always have a choice in what you think about.The mind will respond by quieting down as negative thoughts subside. The brain, caught red handed in this behavior is instantly embarrassed causing it to suspend this cycle of negative thought. This is comparative to a child being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Embarrassment at being caught, stops this intrusive behavior.- Be aware of “what if” thinking. If the majority of sentences you think begin with “what if” then this is proof of a strong health anxiety habit. Change “what if” thinking to “so what” and watch the cycle break.Most of all, understand that worry solves nothing. Health worries, in particular will only serve to exhaust and deplete both mind and body. Consciously make a concerted effort to change the way you think and you will succeed in changing your life. You will go from self victimization to freedom from the intrusive habit of fearful worry.You always have a choice. Life can be wonderful and fulfilling when you learn to alter your perspective and chose a more positive point of view. You always have a choice. Never define yourself by your habit of worried thinking. Do not be victimized by health anxiety and fear. With a few simple corrections, especially in thinking, you will find your life changes from being difficult and upsetting to becoming easier and much more fulfilling on a daily basis.

The Best Internet Marketing Training Program Online

Are you wondering what the best internet marketing training program online is? Well I have to say, being an internet marketing consultant, I’ve came across a wide variety of programs out there. I’ve being practicing online marketing since 2004, so I’ve seen the old school gurus, and the new school heroes of today’s current time. And I can honestly say, the program quality is VASTLY different.The old school internet marketing training programs aren’t as software and technologically driven as today’s programs are. Back in the day, you would learn hard hitting strategies that really improved your website sales immediately. I want to share a personal story about a free internet marketing program I came across while I was in college – and it changed my life completely.So I was in college trying my best to make money in between classes, and I was doing the direct linking method of marketing. Back then you had traditional pay per click advertising search engines such as Overture, MSN Adcenter, and Google AdWords. Those were the top 3 – before Yahoo and MSN (currently Bing) merged. So I was in college linking directly to my ugly sales letter page, and getting no results. Well actually, the only results I was getting was bad results.I read every single article you could think of, and I came across a guy named Terry Dean. I read his article, was intrigued, and saw a link for a free book he had. The book was called something like, “10 Quick And Easy Ways To Boost Your Website Sales In A Week” (or something like that). I read it, and it changed my entire marketing completely.1 week after implementing his ideas and applying changes to my website, I got my first 2 sales ever. I fell out of my chair. I couldn’t believe it. I said this “internet thing” is real and I wanted more. Now fast forward to this day of age and the internet marketing training that I see is ridiculous. Everybody has a new secret or a new technique. Everybody’s trying to get rich overnight WITHOUT a website.There are a lot of internet marketing training programs these days that teach people to get started with affiliate marketing and just “share” their link on Facebook, forums, and search engines. This doesn’t work, and the old school marketers look at these promotional tactics and authors as if they are scammers. Why do I use the word “scammer”? Well it’s simple.Everywhere you go, everyone has a “new” way of doing something. Everything has to be faster, better, and more supreme than the proven way of making money. This is why so many people fail, because they think they can just put up a website, put their link into an autoblaster, and get rich overnight. It doesn’t work like that. Even worst is when people join an affiliate network, sign up to promote a particular product, and then just blast their affiliate link all over the place.And yes, there are high priced internet marketing training programs that advise this kind of marketing. It’s frightening isn’t it? It makes new age marketers like myself look bad and frowned upon, because my methods work, and it doesn’t take a genius to implement them and see results. Whenever you come across an internet marketing training program, you have to keep an eye out for a few things.You should look to see if the person has something free to offer you – to sample. This way you can “test drive” their expertise, and take a peek to see what they have to say. Then you should be able to take what you’ve learned from their free sample, and be able to apply it to your business. This is crucial, because just because you pay for an internet marketing program, doesn’t mean you’re going to learn the important stuff.There’s a well-known marketer online (who’s name I won’t disclose) who had an online business program. He had tons of testimonials from people who used his strategies and were making thousands of dollars per month. Some of them were making thousands of dollars per day. Actually… some of them were making over $10,000 per day – and they attributed their success to this guy’s course.So I bought the course for $39 (out of intrigue), and what did I find? I found a glorified sales pitch to purchase his $995 “advanced course” about making money on the internet. The material in the course that I bought only talked about why most people aren’t making money online, and how people promote products that they want to promote – INSTEAD of selling what people are looking for.Who doesn’t know that? What business owner would sell something that nobody desires? This is simple market research. So I bought the $39 course and was highly disappointed, and quite mad because of the testimonials that I saw that were associated with this course. So these are some of the games and gimmicks some of the new age “gurus” like to play in order to boost their bank account, and take advantage of people.So this was certainly not the best internet marketing training program I’ve seen. The old age internet marketer’s actually delivered when it came to value, and that is why they are legendary and are in the “hall of fame” of marketing. Nowadays you can go to YouTube and find over 100 gurus who have an internet marketing “success system” that is unique from everybody else’s. If you take a look at the ads, they all sound the same. And when you buy the products, most of them is just rehashed information.There are a lot internet marketing training programs on the internet, and you can’t trust just anybody. If you’re going to follow someone, make sure they have a real website – and not just an ugly affiliate link. Make sure they have an email newsletter that you can subscribe to and learn from. Make sure they have training articles and free materials that you can learn from. Make sure you can reach them by email and via social media. And make sure they are current and on top of the latest trends in the internet marketing industry.Be careful who you buy from, because you might end up disappointed like I was.

Health and Wellness 101

A vast difference exists between the words health and wellness. While most people consider these words to convey similar meanings, their definitions vary considerably. Health, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as, “the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially freedom from physical disease or pain.” More simply put, health is a conditional state. A person can be in good health or bad health, based on their physical and emotional symptoms. As well, a person can alter the condition of their health by changing their habits for better or for worse. For example, if a person is considered unhealthy due to a weight problem or high blood pressure, they can start exercising, eating a healthy diet, and changing poor lifestyle habits. If this person eventually loses weight and lowers their blood pressure, the doctor may declare that they are now in good health. However, the term health is conditional. This person can easily slip back into a state of unhealthiness by returning to the habits that got them there in the first place.On the other hand wellness is defined as, “the quality or state of being in good health, especially as an actively sought goal.” Wellness, unlike health which is conditional, is a continuous state of optimal health that is maintained through persistent effort. If health and wellness were designated as running terms, health would be a sprint and wellness a marathon. Wellness, like health, does account for the physical, emotional, and spiritual state of a person. However, wellness primarily refers to a person’s continual effort to strive for peak performance and overall well-being in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.It is for this reason that corporate wellness plans are essential to a company’s long-term success. Workplace health programs do not just promote employee health, but also stress the importance of wellness-a continuous state of health and well-being. The benefits of long-term employee health for a company include less payment towards health plans, happier workers, and higher production rates. While it may seem to be common knowledge, a person who is physically healthy and emotionally stable will perform at higher levels than an employee who is dissatisfied with his or her overall health. This does not just benefit a company while the program is in place, but long after as a result of its employees profiting from a healthy lifestyle. A wellness lifestyle encompasses more than a person’s physical state. Emotional and spiritual health is also taken into consideration. Now, the importance of good employee health should not be downplayed. It is extremely important to encourage all employees within a company to endeavor to reach a healthier state. However, striving for good health should not end once a person reaches their desired health goals. A journey towards wellness is what constitutes effective corporate wellness plans.Sources:

Penis Rash From the Gym: Work Out Without the Itch

Working out at the gym – now that’s something that makes a guy feel good! Sure, there’s sweat and effort, but it pays off when a guy looks in the mirror and sees the results. (And it helps that a guy’s partners like to see the results, too.) What isn’t so positive is when a guy ends up with a little penis rash from his visits to the gym. Since penis health should never be sacrificed for getting buffed, it pays to take steps to prevent a penis rash from the gym (and to treat it if one sneaks in anyway).Not unusual It’s no surprise that a penis rash sometimes crops up among gym rats (or even just the guy who occasionally stops in for a workout). The physical outlay, whether from taking a yoga class, hitting the weights or spending time on a bike, brings about sweat, and sweat encourages bacteria. In addition, some men with very sensitive penis skin can get rashy just from exposure to too much heat. And of course there’s the problem of germs, bacteria and fungi brought onto the premises by other gym residents.Tips So the conditions are ripe for penis rash development. What are some steps a guy can take to help protect his penis?- Use towels. Nowadays, most gyms are generous in making available a large supply of fresh, clean towels and guys need to use them. (If towels aren’t supplied by the gym, a guy needs to be sure to bring his own.) Many men use these towels to wipe down machines after they have used them, which is good; but they also need to wipe them down before use – just in case the previous guy wasn’t so thoughtful or missed some sweaty residue.But it isn’t enough to use those towels when on the gym floor. Be sure to use them in the locker room, too. Lay one down on the bench before sitting, especially after removing clothes. And guys who like to relax in the sauna or steam room in the nude should definitely bring a towel and sit on that. With all the bare feet in locker rooms, any guy with athlete’s foot may be accidentally spreading his fungus around the area – and that’s the same fungus that causes jock itch.- Be selfish. We’re taught as children that sharing is important, but it’s okay to be a little selfish when it comes to the gym. If a man lends a guy a towel, it might come back with a fungus on it. Let some dude borrow that razor and the owner may regret it – especially if he decides to do a little manscaping with it later on and end up with a rash. Even something as seemingly harmless as sharing soap can be problematic; guys with sensitive skin can develop an allergic reaction to skin cells left on the cleanser. Never borrow another guy’s jock or underwear; that’s just begging for a penis rash!- Keep fresh. A man shouldn’t start his workout in that same t-shirt and shorts he wore to mow the lawn or rake the leaves. Starting off with sweaty clothing, especially clingy underwear and shorts, will increase the rash potential at the gym. Use fresh clothes for the workout and bring along another set of fresh clothes (including underwear) for after the shower – and be sure to dry the man-parts off thoroughly after showering.A guy will also be less likely to pick up a penis rash at the gym if his manhood is kept in tiptop shape. Regular use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Definitely select a crème that includes vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A has fierce antibacterial properties that attack the bacteria that thrive in dark, warm, moist places. The crème should also include a combination of moisturizers, such as natural Shea butter and vitamin E, which can lock-in the healthy moisturizing oils that keep skin from becoming chapped and prone to rashiness.

Herbal Skin Care – The Benefits of Using True Herbal Skin Care and Not “Natural” Synthetic Products

Herbal skin care – the benefits of using true herbal skin care and not “natural” synthetic productsDon’t you just hate it when the big pharmaceutical corporations loudly insist that their chemical products are safe in skin care creams?Even when they must know natural ingredients are safer, softer and superior!It happens all the time, of course. And herbal skin care products are an excellent example.Herbal treatment for the skin is ancient and effective. Egyptian elites 2000 years before Christ were successfully using sophisticated herbal skin care to maintain stunning, youthful complexions in the harsh heat of the Nile valley. You can clearly see this in hundreds of tomb painting, preserved in the dry desert.Yet, in modern times, the chemical industry scorns the wealth of information freely given away by herbal doctors and constantly puts out disinformation about the effectiveness of herbal products and disingenuously proclaims the ingredients in their pharmaceuticals are better, more targeted and (even) environmentally friendly. Plus they warn that herbal skin care ingredients can clash in your body’s systems with legitimate, tested and safe synthetic medicines.This is nonsense, of course. They should be warning us against their ingredients! And let me show you why.Just take three groups of ingredients found in most synthetic skin care products. It doesn’t take much investigation to find they are toxic and harmfully.Sulphates such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate are commonly found as cleansers in many shampoos and shower gels. They’re cheap and strong. But they can irritate the skin. And Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is linked to cancer. They contain 1.4 dioxane, which is a known toxin and carcinogen that is easily absorbed through the skin. Members of the Ethoxylates, they are unstable and break down in direct sunlight, forming the skin-damaging free radicals.Chemical preservatives like formaldehyde, methylisothiazolinones and DMDM hydantonin are put into many synthetic skin care creams, even though it’s better to use natural alternatives such as Vitamin E, grapefruit seed extract, honey and sandalwood essential oil. True, these natural compounds last a shorter time than most chemical preservatives, but they adequately preserve herbal skin care products and give you the benefit of their own nourishing qualities.Propylene Glycol (PG) & Butylene Glycol are petroleum plastics widely used in car anti-freeze and skin care, despite the fact that they can penetrate your skin and weaken protein and cell structures. PG is so strong it dissolves stainless steel in 48 hours and can only be kept in plastic containers. The EPA insists it only be handled wearing protective gloves, clothing and goggles. But some skin care manufacturers use concentrations of up to 20 percent of it.I could make a very long list of widely used, dangerous chemicals, but I think you can see that there is a trend here. It’s this. The big chemical companies don’t mind putting dangerous toxic chemicals into your skin care products.And the reason is obvious — these are thick-skinned businesses (no pun intended) that exist simply to return profits to shareholders. Synthetic chemicals are cheaper than herbal ingredients. So the corporations chose to ride out any litigation from their small-fry customers, and keep producing synthetic skin care at the lowest possible price. Lower than good herbal skin care creams and lotions.Alarmingly, there is no legal definition of “natural”. So a corporation can make a 100 percent synthetic skin care product and yet call it “natural”. To someone who doesn’t know, it may seem like it is a herbal skin care item.Thankfully most of their ingredients have a molecular structure which makes it impossible for them to penetrate your skin, even when you pat on and rub in the creams and lotions. But these chemicals still sit on the surface of your face and arms, where they clog the entrances to your pores and trigger allergies and health problems. (Well, “problems” is a little mild, as some chemicals in skin care products, such as Sodium Laural sulfate has been shown to be fatal.)We’ve got to be very, very careful if we choose to use synthetic skin care products rather than herbal skin care.Actually, in conclusion, I would always recommend herbal treatment for the skin of anyone who asks me. There are excellent herbal skin care companies out there. They are usually small and efficient, and they can make healthy products at a reasonable price even though they are forced to compete with the giant pharmaceutical corporations which have the advantage of dirt cheap ingredients and economies of scale. I’ve written more about them at my web site, and I invite you to visit and learn more about this unhappy situation.

How Do You Know If You Need an HR Software Solution?

Before you “take the plunge” and purchase an HR software solution it is best to determine if you need the system, and if you do, what exactly will best meet your needs. It is imperative to be brutal in your assessment. Take the time to define your organization’s goals, such as reducing administrative time spent on filling out paperwork and filing the papers, keeping more complete records, securing confidential data, being able to quickly run reports, or saving a back-up of personnel information for disaster planning purposes.There are many other things to consider prior to purchasing an HR software solution for your organization. These include:
The need to streamline processes to devote more time to strategic level objectives
Increasing the communication across all management levels
Don’t have the physical space for all the paperwork
Storing historical data for both current and former employees
Recording performance evaluations with performance management goals, as well as historical wage rate and salary information
Keeping track of training, benefits, disciplinary warnings, and workplace accidents
Calculating time-off accruals for vacation, sick, or PTO timeHR Software solutions programs also have the capability to have multiple user-licenses, which allows for users to have specific access to the program, such as access to employee performance reviews or time-off records, for example. More specifically, the HR manager or business owner could have full access to all employees’ information, while a manager could have access to his or her employees in their department.This capability is efficient and convenient for both the manager and payroll, such as if an employee calls in sick, the manager can just go into the system and make that notation, rather than trying to remember to relay that information to payroll. Under the performance management access, the manager can write the annual review where it will be stored and backed-up without worrying if the review was saved or not.Implementing an HR software solution into your organization is a great investment for streamlining processes and freeing up managers and HR staff to perform more strategic goals of the organization. The system doesn’t have to be fancy, but it does have to be functional.

How To Minimize Stress During World Travel and Tours

With world travel the very first thing you can do to reduce your stress levels is to have a travel agent you can trust. This is because you have no idea of all the rules and regulations that are going to come up during your world tours. Having an agent that you trust is a great source of stress reduction. This is because you do not have to worry about all the little details and the infinite amount of paperwork and changes that come up. A good travel agent can advise of things like your passports, visas, shots and immunizations, as well as providing tips on local customs and culture so that you can fit in more easily when you arrive.There are a number of travel sites out there and the most popular ones deal with getting you the cheapest flights and hotels. This is great and wonderful for what they do and they are good at it. They however will not make sure that all the little details are taken care of or provide the personal touch that other sites and agencies can. I have found that is one of those sites that does a good job of keeping their eye on all the small details.World travel these days can be a very scary thing filled with all kinds of stress because of the events in the news. A good agent is aware of all those things and will do everything to make sure that you are safe. Your world tour will be enjoyable and relaxing when you have the assistance of a knowledgeable agent. Here are some other things to consider while on your world tour.Make sure you have your schedule set and that you did allow yourself some “me time” in all the hustle and bustle of the trip that is something that can be easily forgotten. Keep your schedule realistic, these tour spots have been there for thousands of years and they will be there when you get to come back. Make sure you have a list of your medications and doctors so that if something should happen you can get proper treatment.Bring a good book to read since the flights are long and you will have plenty of time to read and sleep. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep before you head out on your flight. Even if your world travel is for business, schedule yourself some time for yourself to enjoy the new location you are in, instead of just trying to cram in back to back meetings and appointments. You will be able to enjoy being in the place you’re at for the meeting and be well rested and be able to work better in the end.Relax and enjoy your world tour and find all the secrets the world has to offer. If you go to it will be a good start to finding what the secrets are. The secret after all is that this world travel stuff really does not have to be filled with stress and doubt. If you want that, then go to work, world travel is about stress free time for you.

How to Get a No-Faxing Payday Loan

The advent of online services such as Internet banking has made managing your finances easier than ever. The days of reams of paperwork, faxing back and forth between agencies and customers, and weeks of waiting while paperwork was processed have all been replaced by instant, online quotes, no-paper banking and direct contact between financial service providers and customers.The same holds true for Payday Loans. Payday Loans have become far more accessible, thanks to secure Internet sites, minimising the amount of paperwork involved and replacing copying and faxing documents with online forms that are filled out in a few minutes. In the bad old days there was also the question of access to a fax machine – if you wanted to keep your financial affairs private it was very difficult to get to a fax machine without your co-workers seeing all your details. Now that almost everyone has access to a home computer, no fax Payday Loans can be arranged in the comfort of your own home. The only security measure you really need to think about when arranging an online Payday Loan is that the site you are putting your details into is a secure one. This is indicated by the prefix ‘https’ in the URL address line and a locked padlock icon in the in the URL address line or bottom right corner of the screen. These security measures ensure that your details cannot be cloned by ‘spyware’ software and should be looked out for on all pages where you are filling in an application form.The reduction in hard-copy paperwork such as faxes or letters also means that a Payday Loan is much quicker to arrange. Whereas before you may have to wait days for an approval, no faxing Payday Loans are usually responded to within 24 hours. If you are approved, the money will be generally paid directly into your bank account that same day, giving you access to the funds in a much shorter space of time.Payday loans are a quick and easy way to ‘top up’ a bank account that may have too much month left at the end of the money! Unexpected expenses crop up for everyone, and despite careful financial management (and particularly if you are paid monthly) a sudden car repair bill or a last minute opportunity to book a cheap holiday can scupper even the most prudent of customer’s fiscal plans.Payday Loans are small loans paid against your expected monthly income and repaid with your next pay cheque. They are not intended as long-term loans, so it is essential that you work out exactly how much you can afford to repay with your next pay cheque without leaving yourself in the same financial position the following month. To qualify for a Payday Loan you must have a bank account, be at least 18 years of age and a UK citizen and be able to show that your wages are paid directly into your bank account on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. Payday loan providers practice responsible lending policies, and aim not to lend to those who are over indebted, so they generally carry out credit checks as part of their approval process.Payday Loans are a perfect solution if you suddenly need a short term cash injection – perhaps to pay for a new mobile phone or a weekend break away. They don’t necessarily have to be for the nasty things in life like unexpected bills – they can be for the nice ‘treats’ as well. As said earlier, you do need to ensure that you are able to pay the loan back from your next pay cheque, so always make sure your finances can handle that extra payment at the end of the month without leaving you in financial difficulties the following month. The advent of paperless and no faxing Payday Loans have made managing little financial hiccups in the middle of the month that little bit easier.

Tips for Focusing Your Photographic Efforts on Your Garden

Why Take Garden Photos?Record Keeping
Taking pictures of your flower and vegetable gardens can help you keep records of what you grew and where you grew it. Many gardeners practice some form of crop rotation, being especially careful not to plant the same vegetables in the same location year after year. A photo or two can be a big help in keeping track of where you planted your tomatoes the previous season. Digital photos are especially helpful, since you can store them on your computer, label them, and click on the photo’s “properties” to see exactly when the photo was taken. A photo might also be a good reminder next year if you planted some things too close together this year.ID that Bug or Disease
The old cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words is certainly true when it comes to identifying pests, damage from pests, or disease symptoms in the garden. One or two good photos can be compared to photos online to identify the pest or disease.Send Photos to Friends
Serious gardeners enjoy sharing their garden experiences with their gardening friends and extended family. Today’s digital technology makes it easy to capture the wonder and beauty of your garden and email or text it to a special friend.Garden Photographs as Art
Photos help us preserve the beauty of our gardens. Roses will fade, sunflowers will wither, and the visiting monarch butterfly will fly away… but great photos from the garden can last a lifetime. Digital photography enables us to take lots of pictures, edit and crop them, and print them on our computers or have them printed by professionals… at a fraction of the cost than we used to spend when all cameras had film!Garden Photographs as Gifts
A great photo from your garden or from a friend’s garden can make a wonderful gift, too. Online companies can help you turn a photo into a wonderful print for framing, or your shot can be used to decorate a tee shirt or a coffee mug. With a little help from online companies, a collection of garden photos can be used to make a very personalized calendar. Personal computer software also makes it possible for you to make your own greeting cards from garden photos.Digital Slide Shows
If you’ve had the opportunity to visit one of the great public gardens in the USA, you probably took a lot of pictures. You can post them on one of the photo-sharing websites and invite others to see them, or you can make your own digital slide show by loading the images onto your personal computer, tablet, or onto a digital picture frame. With additional equipment, like Apple TV, you can play the slide show through your TV.How to Take Better Garden PhotosEquipment
By far, the two most convenient types of cameras for garden photography are compact digital cameras and smartphone cameras. They’re easy to have on hand for that spontaneous opportunity, and you can take multiple shots without worrying about wasting film. Digital photos are also relatively easy to edit and crop, and they’re very easy – and affordable – to share.If you have a digital camera with interchangeable lenses, you can be even more creative and can expand your garden photo opportunities considerably. Telephoto lenses allow you to get close-up photos of birds and bees without scaring them away. And, telephoto lenses will allow you to narrow the depth of field of your photograph so that a single bloom or piece of fruit will more clearly be highlighted.Composition
By far, composition is the most important consideration when taking a photograph for any artistic use. Composition – the design of your photo – determines how the subject is framed and how other elements can be reduced or eliminated to avoid any distraction. Many of us can improve the composition of our photos by merely moving in closer to the central subject.With a little practice, you can learn to compose interesting photos by focusing on smaller elements or interesting patterns that you may have overlooked in the past. Many people claim that a developing interest in photography has helped them see the world in different ways.Distractions
As mentioned above, good photo composition enables us to eliminate distractions that would otherwise make a photo less attractive. If the objective is to highlight the beauty of a single rose bloom, try to avoid including any foliage that might have black spots or insect damage that could distract from the beauty of the bloom.Similarly, background buildings, tools, and people can distract from the intended focus of your photo.Light
All photographers become more aware of light, and its effect on their photos, as they develop their skills. Almost all garden photos are taken outdoors, with natural light as the source. Early morning and early evening light tends to be a little warmer and softer, while a bright afternoon sun might be a little harsh. But, any light condition can be used to make interesting photos, so long as you are aware of the effect of the light on your subject.With experience, photographers see what the camera sees… good shadows or bad shadows, depending on the desired effect. Backlighting a photo, where the subject is between you and light source, can also create dramatic and lovely photos. And, certain lighting conditions can allow you to photograph a garden element as a silhouette, purposefully focusing on the shape rather than color or depth of the subject.Depth of Field
Depth of field is simply how much of the photograph is sharply focused, and it is determined by the size of the aperture (or opening) of the lens. Most automatic cameras will strive for as much depth as possible; but, you can override the camera’s settings to reduce the depth of field in order to create more artistic results. While your eyes may be focused on a single bloom, remember that the camera may very well see all of the surrounding foliage as equally important. Get to know your camera’s settings and options to create more interesting photos.Focus
While slightly blurry or “soft” images may be very artistic (especially when photographing people), most photographers usually strive for well focused central subjects. Great in-focus shots are achieved by having as fast a shutter speed as possible, and holding the camera still when shooting. If possible, it will help to have something to lean on, or against, to reduce your body’s movement when pressing the shutter. Professionals will often use tripods or other tools to help keep the camera steady while shooting.Tip:
Instead of pressing or “punching” the shoot button, hold the button down for a second or two, focus on the subject, and then release the button. Your smartphone photos will be sharper and perhaps better composed as well.Where to Get Help to Become an Even Better PhotographerOf course you can take online courses, or enroll in an adult education program. You may be motivated to subscribe to a photo magazine for a while to learn more about techniques and equipment. A simple Google search on “photographing your garden” will lead to hundreds of suggestions for books or articles to read online.If you are interested in buying a book or two to add to your library, Photographing Your Garden by David Bjurstrom is a beautifully written and lavishly illustrated book that will help you become a better garden photographer.Garden photography, like gardening itself, is a wonderful lifelong journey, with lessons and surprises, frustrations and delights, and opportunities to learn and improve. Enjoy the journey.

S&P 500 Rallies As U.S. Dollar Pulls Back Towards Weekly Lows

Key Insights
The strong pullback in the U.S. dollar provided significant support to stocks.
Treasury yields have pulled back after touching new highs, which served as an additional positive catalyst for S&P 500.
A move above 3730 will push S&P 500 towards the resistance level at 3760.

Pfizer Rallies After Announcing A Huge Price Hike For Its COVID-19 Vaccines
S&P 500 is currently trying to settle above 3730 as traders’ appetite for risk is growing. The U.S. dollar has recently gained strong downside momentum as the BoJ intervened to stop the rally in USD/JPY. Weaker U.S. dollar is bullish for stocks as it increases profits of multinational companies and makes U.S. equities cheaper for foreign investors.

The leading oil services company Schlumberger is up by 9% after beating analyst estimates on both earnings and revenue. Schlumberger’s peers Baker Hughes and Halliburton have also enjoyed strong support today.

Vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna gained strong upside momentum after Pfizer announced that it will raise the price of its coronavirus vaccine to $110 – $130 per shot.

Biggest losers today include Verizon and Twitter. Verizon is down by 5% despite beating analyst estimates on both earnings and revenue. Subscriber numbers missed estimates, and traders pushed the stock to multi-year lows.

Twitter stock moved towards the $50 level as the U.S. may conduct a security review of Musk’s purchase of the company.

From a big picture point of view, today’s rebound is broad, and most market segments are moving higher. Treasury yields have started to move lower after testing new highs, providing additional support to S&P 500. It looks that some traders are ready to bet that Fed will be less hawkish than previously expected.

S&P 500 Tests Resistance At 3730

S&P 500 has recently managed to get above the 20 EMA and is trying to settle above the resistance at 3730. RSI is in the moderate territory, and there is plenty of room to gain additional upside momentum in case the right catalysts emerge.

If S&P 500 manages to settle above 3730, it will head towards the next resistance level at 3760. A successful test of this level will push S&P 500 towards the next resistance at October highs at 3805. The 50 EMA is located in the nearby, so S&P 500 will likely face strong resistance above the 3800 level.

On the support side, the previous resistance at 3700 will likely serve as the first support level for S&P 500. In case S&P 500 declines below this level, it will move towards the next support level at 3675. A move below 3675 will push S&P 500 towards the support at 3640.